
Adventures are a series of fun, engaging activities for your customers that incentivize product usage and brand engagement.

Customers earn rewards for participating in Adventures that help build a deeper connection between your brand and your customers.

What is an Adventure?

What is an Adventure?

An Adventure is a series of Activities that are fun and engaging for your customer while generating tangible business value for your business.

In practice, the types of Adventures depend on your business goals. The key is that Adventures reward the customer for product usage and for engaging with your brand. This complements traditional loyalty programs that reward customers for purchases.

For example, a local government looking to revitalize a downtown may have a 'Night Out' Adventure that includes a series of activities such as purchasing flowers from a local shop, dinner at a local restaurant, followed by a walk on the esplanade.

A shoe company may have an Adventure that includes a going on a run, joining a community of runners, and sharing pictures on social media.

The possibilities are endless! Sentrix has a team of experts that can help you design the perfect Adventure for your customers and business.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) helps you generate Adventures that are personalized to each customer. This results in an Engagement program that is relevant to each of your customers which increases participation and satisfaction with your brand.

The core value that AI brings is the ability to move from a one-size-fits-all approach (traditional Loyalty programs) to a personalized approach (next-generation Engagement programs). This is a key differentiator for Sentrix. Should you replace your Loyalty program with an Engagement program? No! Loyalty and Engagement are complementary. Loyalty rewards customers for purchases. Engagement rewards customers for product usage and participation in the brand experience. The two programs work together to create a holistic customer experience that drives customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Artificial Intelligence
Engagement by Industry

Comparing Loyalty and Engagement

Customer Engagement and Customer Loyalty complement each other. Customer Loyalty rewards customers for product purchase. Customer Engagement rewards customers for product usage and participation in the brand experience.

  • Overview
  • Telecom
  • Clothing & Apparel
  • Running Shoes
  • SLED

Comparing Loyalty and Engagement

LoyaltyRewards customers for purchasing your product/service. Rewards are simple, make a purchase, receive some points, redeem for a discount.
EngagementCustomer is rewarded for using your product/service, for engaging with the brand, and for sharing your branch with friends and family. With engagement, you develop a deeper connection with the customer which drives new customer acquisition and increases upsell / cross sell. Each customer becomes a promoter of your brand.


LoyaltyRewards customers for purchasing a device or a plan.
EngagementCustomer is rewarded for engaging with the brand, such as sharing trying and sharing new products on social media to drive upsell/cross sell, or sharing photos at beautiful locations on social media that visually show the strength of your network. With engagement, the customer is rewarded for engaging with your brand, which drives new customer acquisition, upsell / cross sell, while reducing churn.

Clothing & Apparel

LoyaltyRewards customers for purchasing clothes.
EngagementCustomer is incentivized and rewarded for engaging with your brand, such as sharing photos of a night out on social media while wearing your brand to drive new customers to your brand, or sharing outfit combinations for your brand to drive upsell/cross. With engagement, the customer is rewarded for engaging with your brand, which drives new customer acquisition, increases upsell / cross sell, while improving brand affinity.

Running Shoes

LoyaltyCustomer is rewarded for purchasing shoes.
EngagementEngage customers in a community of runners, reward customers for product usage such as sharing runs on social media to help drive new customers to the brand. Reward customers for sharing information on how frequently to replace new shoes and for recommending new models to existing customers. With engagement, the customer is rewarded for engaging with your brand, which drives new customer acquisition, increases upsell / cross sell, while improving brand affinity.

State & Local Government

LoyaltyNo solutions exist.
EngagementEngage and reward citizens for participating in revitalization efforts, such as rewarding citizens for participating in Night Out Adventures which include purchasing flowers from a local shop, dining out and sharing the evening on social media to bring more citizens out in the weeks ahead. Encourage and reward citizens for actively engaging with the community and participating in the target activities which will revitalize your town/city/region.

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